Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Waiting until...

He says he loves me, yet he'd rather be apart
He said he trusts me, just not with his heart.
I wonder all the time how could I of let this be
Why did I make the wrong choices
Why I am where I am
A love so many years, so meant to be
Now he'd rather be far away from me
I want to go back, don't know if I will
Is it doomed to fail or prevail?
I want him to know I am so sorry,
I don't want this to be the end of our story
What I was thinking, I do not know
I want my life, I want it all back

I will wait, I will continue to pray
I will hope for the day love will lead him back to me


The Shadowrunner said...


SELF!SH G!RL said...

ain :s wat do u mean shadow :/

Anonymous said...

" A declaration of victory or superiority. The phrase stems from a 1991 adaptation of Toaplan's “Zero Wing” shoot-'em-up arcade game for the Sega Genesis game console. A brief introduction was added to the opening screen, and it has what many consider to be the worst Japanese-to-English translation in video game history. The introduction shows the bridge of a starship in chaos as a Borg-like figure named CATS materializes and says, “How are you gentlemen!! All your base are belong to us.” [sic] In 2001, this amusing mistranslation spread virally through the Internet, bringing with it a slew of JPEGs and a movie of hacked photographs, each showing a street sign, store front, package label, etc. hacked to read “All your base are belong to us” or one of the other many supremely dopey lines from the game (such as “Somebody set up usthe bomb!!!” or “What happen?”). When these phrases are used properly, the overall effect is both screamingly funny and somewhat chilling, reminiscent of the B movie “They Live”.

The original has been generalized to “All your X are belong to us”, where X is filled in to connote a sinister takeover of some sort. Thus, “When Joe signed up for his new job at Yoyodyne, he had to sign a draconian NDA. It basically said: All your code are belong to us.” Has many of the connotations of “Resistance is futile; you will be assimilated” (see Borg). Considered silly, and most likely to be used by the type of person that finds Jeff K. hilarious. "

EmXee® said...

hey there is one thing i want to ask why are you sorry for is there some thing you did that made him take this turn or is jus normaly with out a major reason that he got part as the relation grew older wel i also have been in a v long time reation and im living far away from her about 2 years i spent away from her and about 6 months have been together so there are so many times we had probs and few times i would do something craxy and bring the relation to a breakup point but some how she pulls it back so what is it that u are sorry for in my case she never haves to be sorry its all ways my mistakes that makes it hard for us..

CuTie CheeekZ said...

nice poem really cool

SELF!SH G!RL said...

EmXee this post have nothing to do with my real life.. lolx.. its pretty obvious that its up to the couple to hold on together.. and it also depends on how much the person wants to hold on.. anyways thanks for the comments =D

The Shadowrunner said...

Keep on truckin', nyet.

Also: Canofworms, AYB is standard encrypted form. :P